Respect for our homeland


The future is green: we act today to protect tomorrow. 

There is no planet B. That's why we stick to plan A: we treat the environment with respect and care. Whoever feels at home in the incomparably beautiful landscape of Tyrol has a close relationship to nature and the many wonders that will surprise you each day. We take our responsibility as hoteliers very seriously and carry out our duties with attention to the smallest detail: in the ZillerSeasons, we use renewable energy, and the heat for the pools and water comes from the sun. 

We use environmentally friendly cleaning products, and food comes from our region including farmers and suppliers in the direct surroundings. Thanks to the solid wood construction, our houses are CO2-active and have an excellent ecological balance. 

For the sake of the environment


In order to be certified with the EU Eco-Label, a business must meet the highest standards and prove that its products and services are environmentally friendly. The Austrian Eco-Label is awarded by the Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism, which is committed to the health and well-being of the consumer. With 120.5 points, we have far exceeded the target score of 48 points for the environmental label, and we exceeded the minimum of 29 for the Eco-Label with 39.5 points. 

Kräuter, Kräutergarten, Green Spa Hotel MalisGarten
Garten, Terrasse, Pool im 5* Superior MalisGarten Green Spa Hotel

Something you can trust

Nature and authenticity

You can also trust that everything we do is for the sake of the environment. Fragrant wood, fresh herbs, clear water, regional food, mindfulness, strength, nature, authenticity: this is what our honest and sustainable life philosophy consists of so that the wonderful Zillertal can be preserved for many, many generations to come.